
Monday, October 30, 2017

BSA Fall Camping 2017

My son's Cub Scout pack had their fall camping trip at the Patapsco State Park. We drove up on Friday night and returned home late Saturday night (after the campfire) so we'd be home for Mass and religious education on Sunday morning.

Our camp site

 The two biggest highlights were the hike down to the river and the tire playground. The hike happened Saturday morning and led us down the hill to the bottom of the park. We saw some weird trees.

Bumps in the middle of the tree

A turn in the trail

A tree growing in a tree

At one point we took a group photo. My son thought it would be fun to have bunny ears on someone else. So I guess he was happy to get his own bunny ears?

Bunny ears or peace sign?

Two sets of bunny ears

 At the bottom of the hill is a railroad bridge with a tunnel through which we walked. We sang and shouted inside the tunnel to check out the acoustics.

RR bridge

Checking the sound in the tunnel

How old the bridge is!

Down by the river we threw rocks to make big splashes. The older boys could throw all the way to the other side. Across the river I saw a rock that I thought was spooky.

The river

Something skull-like, or maybe raising out of the water evilly

We found a swinging bridge that was fun to cross. The bridge was used by workers at the Orange Grove Flour Mill, a water-powered mill built in 1856 that stayed in business until it burned down in a fire in 1905.

Cool bridge

Getting ready to cross

Mill ruins

The other big highlight was the playground which featured a lot of tires. The cubs played Infection, a variation of Tag with a zombie theme pasted on. The fun lasted for at least 45 minutes.

Tire playground

An awesome fort

A pseudo-locomotive

More play areas!

Hanging out

Before dinner, we had knot tying and fire starting activity stations. My son was successful at starting a fire with flint and steel. Too bad the picture with the actual fire didn't come out so well, but here it is!

Striking a spark (that's someone else's fire)

Son and his fire

My son's den (the Webelos) had to make dinner Saturday night. My son was assigned to the mac and cheese cooking area. We had fun following the box recipe and working together over an outdoor boiler.

Boiling the mac

After dinner, we went to another campsite where someone gave a talk on Native American mythology. Back at our own campsite, we had the requisite campfire with smores for the kids and dutch oven cobblers for the adults.

We had a great time and look forward to the next camping trip.


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