
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hesketh Farm Park 2013

After visiting the Yorkshire Dales Ice Cream Farm, we headed over to Hesketh Farm Park, which is less than two miles away. On the way, we drove through a field full of sheep, including this little fellow who was in the middle of the road dirt path.

Is it wrong that I like how I got myself in the shot too?

Calling for help!

Pretty soon we made it to the farm, which J's pre-school had visited last year. This time, Mommy was with us and we participated in a whole load of fun activities. First the children held guinea pigs. Last year, J found their scrabbling little feet too ticklish, but this visit was different. He did a great job holding and gently petting the little critters.

Holding the squirminators!

We saw sheep of all different ages, including those who had passed on to a more product life.

A mommy washes off her newborn

Cute (and hammy) baby lambs

Lambs on the run to the feeding area

Mommy watches over her toddler lamb

Postmortem sheep

We also fed some piglets using a tractor. The tractor was a small toy on a track. For a pound, we filled the little cart behind the tractor and then cranked them down the track. At the end of the track, the cart tipped up and dumped the food to the awaiting piglets.

Here it comes, guys!

Dumping food on happy porkers

J did the cranking. Nearby were larger pigs. Their pens had brushes for cleaning them off. L tried her hand at that.

L works hard

More customers waiting

Outside, L fed some of the donkeys in the field.

Field of donkeys

They like carrots!

Forlorn horse gets no carrots

Back inside, the kids tried out the hay maze and some kid-sized tractors.

L ready to roll

J puts the pedal to the metal!

Pretty soon it was time to feed the cows. We had been crowded out of the lamb feeding, so we went early and picked out a nice calf to feed. L really enjoyed this as well.

L gets a cow lick!

Hay was okay but...

The bottle goes full throttle!

After that, we headed outside to enjoy the playground before heading home. It was a fun day of farm visits for the kids and the parents.

L is ready to stay at the farm!

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