The Stuff of Legend Omnibus Two written by Mike Raitch and Brian Smith, illustrated by Charles Paul Wilson III
See my review of Omnibus One here!The adventures of a group of toys who enter into the Dark to save their Boy who was kidnapped by the Boogeyman continue in this book. The group has splintered. Max the bear is the leader of the animal tribe hiding in the jungle from the Boogeyman's army. The Jester is chasing after the Indian Princess, whom he loves and who was captured by Indians. Percy the pig is leading the rest of the group back out of the Dark since they have admitted defeat.
Max decides he still wants to find the Boy and defeat the Boogeyman. Old legends tell of a light that shines at all times (the Night Light), which would be an invaluable aid in fighting the Boogeyman. At the top of the mountain where the light is hidden is Story Land, where characters from the child's books (mostly fairy tales) live.
The Jester is mistaken for his twin, the Laughing Ghost. The Boy received two identical jack-in-the-boxes once but one was broken almost immediately and hidden in the closet, where he passed over into the Dark and became a marauding thorn in the side of the Boogeyman. The twins eventually meet but it isn't a happy family reunion.
The Boy, meanwhile, has escaped from his jail with the aid of another boy. They flee to the Indian Nation hoping that the Indian wise man will be able to tell them how to escape. Percy the pig also heads to the Indian Nation for just such information. Naturally, the Jester winds up there too hoping to recover his lost love.
The book does a great job expanding the story begun in the first volume. New, interesting places and characters are introduced and the plot develops nicely. The writing is great and the art is stellar. I can't wait for more.