We love visiting
our local library. Where else can I feed my reading and video watching habits so easily and so inexpensively? Public libraries are awesome. Since March heralds the warmer weather of Spring, the story times had a spring flavor.
The first story time had the theme "birds." The craft was one of the most intensely difficult yet--making a bird out of paper. This wasn't origami-hard, but it was challenging enough...
Big challenge #1: putting string through a hole! |
Big challenge #2: putting folded-up paper through the same hole! |
Big challenge #3: fanning out the paper to make wings |
Proud of finished product! |
The next week they continued the "birds" theme by reading
The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willems. To reinforce the message of good hygiene, the children stood in the middle of the room and had a shower of bubbles.
Why have a bubble bath when you can have a bubble shower? |
The craft had the kids building a bird popping out of an egg. That involved some gluing and folding, with optional coloring.
Opening the glue to fix the bird in the egg |
Optional coloring |
Finished product |
The next week's library story time theme was "bunny," including the fun book
Everybunny Count!, which mostly involved practicing counting during a hide and seek game between a bunch of bunnies and a fox (though if you ask me, a more realistic story would have the fox doing more than just seeking the bunnies). The craft was pretty easy--putting a bunny in a grassy scene. A little glue and some coloring and we were done.
A little glue |
A little coloring |
And we're done |
We made it to the last of the
Spring into Science programs. The final theme was "seeds." He filled a small planter with dirt and three sunflower seeds, then did some scientific investigating of seeds in fruit (how many, how big, etc.).
Planting seeds |
Checking out the pre-cut apple |
The craft was a flower budding out of a pot. This craft was much easier than previous science crafts, involving glue and crayons only.
Gluing the flower together |
Happy with the final product |
Smell test |
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