Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Book Review: Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 15 by Hiromu Arakawa

Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 15 by Hiromu Arakawa

Now that the Elric brothers know that King Bradley is a homunculus, and King Bradley knows that they know, and they know that he knows that they know, the brothers are forced to work for Bradley. So what dramatic development happens in this issue? A massive flashback to the war in Ishbal, where the government conducted a genocidal campaign against the Ishbalans. They even used the state alchemists to be more efficient at wiping out the enemy. And they let one of the alchemists use the Philosopher's Stone to test its powers. Too bad he goes crazy.

The background is interesting, giving the stories of Roy Mustang and other mid-level characters in the ongoing story. The fate of Winry's parents is shown, along with the heartless evil of King Bradley. This was not a particularly fun outing of the story, but it is compelling storytelling.


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