Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Camping Spring 2020, Now with Social Distancing! Part I

Spring is a popular time to go camping, especially for Cub Scout packs. Our pack's camping trip was cancelled due to the ongoing virus lockdown in our state. My older son's BSA Scouting troop has not had a face-to-face meeting in months. Some creative scouters in the Baltimore Area Council hosted a "virtual camp-oree." They invited the whole world of scouting to join in on the weekend of April 24 to 26. Online information was posted on Facebook. Our BSA scouter needed one last outing among his requirements for First Class, so we had a "campout" on our own property.

With the weather threatening rain, we set up the tent in the garage, so it was almost outdoors. It was definitely the shortest walk from the car to the campsite!

Setting up the tent


When little sister saw the tent, she decided to join in the fun. She even brought a special pillow.

Happy campers

A great pillow

The only problem with our camp site was the fire pit. The last occupants left quite a mess behind!

A little clean up in order!

My children were still happy the next morning. Breakfast was on the front porch, followed by KP duty.


Campout breakfast

Classic 3-bin washing station (the sink is bin #3)

"Sanitize, please!"

We next had a typical opening ceremony. The American flag was raised and we pledged allegiance and recited the Scout Oath and Scout Law. My son gave an overview of the day's activities and a bit of a pep talk about how much fun we were about to have.

Raising the flag

Pledging allegiance 

Leading us in the Scout Law

The next project was setting up a weather rock. The rock is a useful forecasting tool. If it casts a shadow, it's sunny. If the rock is wet, it's raining. If the rock is moving around, it's windy. If the rock is white, it's snowing. You get the idea.

Setting up the weather rock

Posing with their new tool

After collecting supplies (water, snacks, and other necessities), we headed over to Wincopin Park for a morning hike.

Making plans at the trail head

Trail advice from the county


Finding a pile of stones

We got home and checked the weather.

Still dry, so no rain

The boys gathered kindling for practice in starting fires and for our campfire later that night.

Working hard

Lunch time came. The menu was grilled cheese sandwiches, made outside! The electric griddle worked quite well on the front porch though we don't have a good cooking or dining table.

Say cheese!

Flipping over yummy grilled cheese

After lunch, the kids wanted to practice matchless fire starting. We couldn't find the flint and steel, so we went back to matched fire starting.

Lean-to style fire

Leaning in

Using birch bark for the fire

A little champion

Competing fires

Since we had fire, we roasted marshmallows. Hey, it's the classic thing to do when camping out.

One of these sticks is missing something

We three cookers, of marshmallows are!

More in the next post!

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