Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Cute Kid Pix October 2023

More pictures that did not make their own post...

My youngest finally had his first baseball game after two weeks of rain outs. He had a good time, getting on base with a hit and scoring the first run for his team. His age-level is the first kid-pitch level, so a bunch of players made it on base from walks. The game ended in a 3-3 tie, which may have been appropriate since it was Nationals versus Cardinals and all the players had the same color jerseys. Everyone had fun on a sunny Sunday.

They get to steal too, so here he is on second

And on third

My son finished off a "building bricks" set that is not Legos. He made George Washington's Mount Vernon, a place we visited some time ago

Not the happiest builder in the country

With scouts, we did some outdoor cooking, including foil packet dinners on the grill. The boys loved it!

Yummy self-made dinner!

My eldest had another debate at which I was a judge. I wound up being a proctor for the Extemperaneous Speaking competition, which meant I handed out the topics to the participants thirty minutes before they talked about it. The time was for them to research the topic and prepare seven minutes of remarks.

I had a couple of breaks and wandered around the campus of Calvert Hall College High School, named after a Catholic colonial leader and led by Salesian Brothers, so the statue on campus is of Cecil Calvert and Jean-Baptiste de La Salle


Another patron--Our Lady of the Library!

My youngest had his final game at the end of the month, which they won 12-13 against the Orioles. Fall ball has a very short season and no playoffs!

On third

He's also had fun playing board games, including the popular Pandemic


Our dance studio, That's Dancing, had a Halloween party. We dressed up in cowboy outfits. One couple came as Barbie and Ken, so I took a turn in the Ken box as "Cowboy Ken Doll." Our niece came to the dance too!

Dressed up for dancing


Ready to be bought

My wife danced herself to the bone!

The cub scouts had a pack meeting where kids dressed up. My youngest reused his baseball uniform as a Halloween costume.

Discussing ring toss strategy

Going for a hat trick

As for actual Halloween, we never took a picture of our youngest in his outfit (the Link outfit from a birthday party earlier in the year), but we did get a shot of his candy collection in a bar chart.

Do they learn this in school?

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