Monday, January 8, 2024

Book Review: Scott Pilgrim Color Edition Vol. 1 by B. L. O'Malley et al.

Scott Pilgrim Color Edition Volume 1: Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life written and drawn by Bryan Lee O'Malley and colored by Nathan Fairbairn

Scott Pilgrim is a Toronto twenty-something slacker who plays in a mediocre band and has a girlfriend named Knives Chau, a seventee-year-old high school student. His friends and sister Stacie are unimpressed with him though he thinks he's great. His world is turned upside down when he sees Ramona Flowers, an American twenty-something delivery girl who is highly fashionable and totally cool. She's probably out of his league but he goes for her anyway. Life complications ensue, and not just because he has two girlfriends. Ramona has seven evil ex-boyfriends who are going to come and fight him before he can really date Ramona.

The story is charmingly quirky. Scott share a one-room apartment with Wallace Wells, a gay guy who tries not to be the stereotype. He mostly is, with a penchant for stealing Stacie's dates. The band has a red-headed, freckle-faced female drummer who has a lot of moxie. Knives is innocent and happy, blathering on about high school drama while Scott tunes her out. Ramona is a bit of the manic pixie dreamgirl, though the problem with her ex-boyfriends creates plenty of drama. The story is a comedy, with a bizarre, over-the-top fight sequence at the end with the first ex. I enjoyed the story and the art, both of which are easygoing and enjoyable.

The series was original published in black and white (probably for budgetary reasons). The color is natural and helps things along. There's nothing earth-shattering or insightful here, just a fun read.

Mildly recommended.

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