Wednesday, March 9, 2022

TV Review: Doctor Who: The Web of Fear (1968)

Doctor Who: The Web of Fear (1968) written by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln, directed by Douglas Camfield

The Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) has trouble flying the TARDIS (go figure). The trouble isn't really his fault as some entity is trying to trap him in the Space-Time stream along with companions Victoria (Deborah Watling) and Jamie (Frazer Hines). They manage to break free and land on Earth. The TARDIS winds up in the London Underground. London has been abandoned by the locals due to an infestation of Yeti, which are alien robots. The military works to contain the problem, bringing on board a scientist named Travers (Jack Watling) who has had previous experience with the Yeti, and even with the Doctor (in an episode called The Abominable Snowmen, which I must hunt down)! The mystery is on as they search for who controls the Yeti and how to stop them.

This six-parter is notable for the first appearance of Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney), though he's only a colonel here, not "The Brigadier," and UNIT is not introduced. The Yeti are much more menacing and real-seeming than many of the classic Doctor Who baddies. The mystery keeps the plot moving along, as does the standard running around. Even with so many episodes, the story does not drag out or have slow spots. The cast are in fine form. As I've said before, Troughton has an excellent take on the character and is a delight to watch.

This serial was thought lost but five of the episodes have been recovered. Only the audio from Episode Three exists. The visuals were recreated through animation, much like some previous restored serials. I have to say the animation here is really atrocious. The characters move awkwardly and stiltedly, almost as if it was a rough cut of the animation, not a finished product. I don't know if they were being cheap or rushed, but Doctor Who deserves better! I found that episode hard to watch because of the poor visual quality. 

Mildly recommended--classic Doctor Who in classic form but the rough animation is really hard on the eyes.

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