Thursday, December 7, 2023

TV Review: Voltron Legendary Defender Season 1

Voltron Legendary Defender Season 1 executive produced by Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery based on Beast King GoLion by Toei Animation and Voltron by World Events Productions

The classic after school series from my childhood returned in 2016 as a new animated series on Netflix. The show of my youth was enjoyable to the pre-teen me, though even then I recognized a lot of challenges with it--the recycled plot lines in many if not most episodes, the reused "forming Voltron" animated sequence that saved the animators thirty seconds of animation, etc. How does the new series hold up?

The new show follows the same basic plot. Five young heroes from Earth wind up deep in outer space where they become Paladins of Voltron, a giant robot that is formed out of five lion robots that each character pilots. They fight against Zarkon, an evil emperor from the Galra Empire who has been ruling with an iron fist for thousands of years. Zarkon has an aide, the witch Hagar who uses magic and technology to help Zarkon fight Voltron. 

Like a lot of modern television, the emphasis is on a larger, ongoing storyline that develops over several episodes, if not full seasons or multiple seasons (disclaimer, I've already watched most of the seasons with my kids two years ago). The episodes don't feel formulaic. They do expand the universe as Voltron acts to free the universe from Galra control. The characters are distinct and have their charms and foibles. Like many children's shows, the drama is not too heavy and lots of comedy is thrown in (some admittedly of the childish sort, like food fights and fart jokes). Enough mysteries are set up in the first season to leave viewers with motivation to keep watching, if the cliffhanger ending of the final episode is not enough.

This first season is 11 episodes long (though probably 12 since the pilot episode is twice as long). At less than half an hour each, it is easy to get through the season quickly. I am using this rewatch as something to go along with home workouts and it is enjoyable company.


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