Monday, March 24, 2025

Book Review: The Irredeemable Ant-Man Vol. 1 by R. Kirkman et al.

The Irredeemable Ant-Man Volume 1: Low Life written by Robert Kirkman, penciled by Phil Hester, and inked by Ande Parks

Eric O'Grady is a low-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who monitors a screen on their Helicarrier. In his off time, he plays poker with some friends and lusts after the female agents. His hometown friend Chris is a fellow agent. Chris is dating Veronica, also a fellow agent. When the Helicarrier is attacked, Chris and Eric are assigned to guard Hank Pym's lab. In the chaos, they accidentally knock out Pym. Chris tries on the latest Ant-Man armor prototype and gets killed. Eric takes the armor and starts wandering around the Helicarrier. The ship crashes and everyone is put on leave until repairs can be made. Eric and Veronica go back to his hometown for Chris's funeral. Eric starts worming his way into her affection as he also gets into more trouble.

While the premise is interesting, the execution is off-putting. Kirkman tries to make it more comedic but it just wasn't that funny. Eric is not some lovable loser or interesting anti-hero. He's just a jerk who is flying by the seat of his pants. He's too unlikeable as a main character to carry my interest. The other characters are okay but there's nothing else compelling about the storytelling or the art to make me read the next volume.

Not recommended.

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