Thursday, March 13, 2025

Geocaching February 2025

The geocaching month started off with me visiting my brother in Virginia and squeezing a few caches during the visit. Dunn Loring Cache was an easy find even if the park had more trash than I was expecting.

I guess the lamp didn't fit in the can?

Travel Goodies Cache was nearby and an easy, though unphotogenic, find.

The next day I found Out on a Limb, obviously on a tree, and I'm Watching You!, which involved an eye, not a camera.

The limb location

I went to Rockville for some shopping and made the amazing discover of F. Scott Fitzgerald's grave! The Great Gatsby is a multicache based off the cemetery. Also in the area, I found Foxy, a fun wherigo cache, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, another multicache based off the church where the cemetery is, Across the Street from East Rockville, a simple cache, and J&J Beer, or is it Bear?, another easy regular cache.

Fitzgerald final resting place

The fancier grave I thought was Fitzgerald's

More of the graveyard

The church

It was a slow month with only 11 finds, bringing the grand total to 1723.

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