Tuesday, July 20, 2021

HoCo Pirate Treasure Hunt June 2021

To see previous pirate adventures, go here.

The June 2021 Howard County Pirate Treasure Hunt was a search for the Jewels of Jib-Sheet John. The search started where X marked the spot, or at least crossed bones marked the spot!

Beginning of the hunt

Our last excursion saw lots of the seventeen-year cicadas. We saw hardly any this time, though other woodland creatures were hanging around.

No, don't get up, we're not staying!

The path had lots of fun instructions, like this invitation to stomp like a giant. The giants left a major walkway through the area, so we had fun being like the locals. 

Trail instructions

The Giants' Walkway

More deer friends

A lot of fallen trees littered the area, some rather impressive looking, like the see-through tree!

Did a giant knock this over?

How does it grow with a hole all the way through it?

We collected clues along the way. A piratey morse code gave us the five letters to the combination on the treasure chest. 

Finding part of the code

The map showed a shortcut along the trail. The trail itself marked off the shortcut!

We won't say a thing

The other things along the path were jewels strewn all over. Jib-Sheet John must have holes in his pockets. We had to stop the kids from collecting too many, since many other people go on this treasure hunt.

Bejeweled stump

Closeup of the jems

A small stream runs nearby. We threw sticks in since we couldn't find any stones.

No, we didn't break any bones.

One clue was hidden in the "wolverine's den." Sounded like a dangerous place to go. Luckily, the occupants were out when we came by.

Den of trouble?

We finally found the last clue and the treasure chest stocked full of goodies. This time around, the kids all chose the ring pops, which made a nice snack on the way back to the car.


A farewell message

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving how you're capturing the hunts! Thank you for doing so! It's great to go back and look at the fun adventures!
