The Walking Dead, Vol. 7: The Calm Before
by Robert Kirkman
ZPAA rating
Teens and aboveGore level
6 of 10--For this series, the zombie presence is quite minimal. There is some graphic human on human violence, but no where near the level of the extended torture scene from last trade paperback. Lori finally gives birth but the scene is barely PG.Other offensive content
Plenty of bad language throughout; the aforementioned human on human violence; an amputation; some marital and extra-marital affairs which aren't too explicit; one disturbing suicide.How much zombie mythology/content
Whether someone can survive being bitten is answered here.How much fun
This part of the on-going story is not nearly as grim as the previous issues, as the title "The Calm Before" implies. The series is still very intelligent and make for engaging reading.Synopsis & Review
I didn't give up on this series in spite of the temptation after the last volume, especially thanks to the encouragement of a previous commentator. The gang is all back together at the prison and getting ready for the inevitable arrival of the presumably hostile Woodbury townsfolk. Which means getting food together, more target practice and finally finding the National Guard depot and raiding it for supplies. Woodbury ex-pat Alice is integrated into the prison community and helps out with critical medical needs.A variety of interesting issues spring up this time. Should they leave supplies sources like the depot or WalMart intact for further supply raids or try to prevent the Woodbury folk from also benefiting? Are a ring of zombies around the prison fences a helpful layer of defense against the coming attack or a hindrance to freely coming and going? Should Maggie and Glenn start a family right away or wait till things are better? It is fun to think about how you would act in these situations and others that arise.
One very interesting conversation centers around whether this zombie apocalypse refutes the Biblical account or is part of the biblical account in Revelations. Both sides are given their say and seem to be quite well respected by the author. This issue is also something interesting to think about.
The story seems to be in a bit of a holding pattern while we wait for the coming attack. A bunch of narrative threads are tied down (or is it tied off?)--Glenn and Maggie finally get married, Lori gives birth, Carol's insanity is dealt with. The drama is satisfying and well-paced. This volume is a very enjoyable read. I can't wait for the next volume.