Monday, July 22, 2019

Minnesota Fourth Avenue North Playground

We discovered a fantastic playground near our Minnesota hotel. Just a few blocks away was the Fourth Avenue North Playground. The theme of the playground is logging, which is very unusual in our experience.

A sweeping view of the playground makes it look fairly ordinary. Sure there's the fort/woods look that a lot of playgrounds have, but closer perusal discovers more specific details.

Climbing, slides, swings--all standard stuff

A bit more loggy in this park

Climbing one of the log ladders or staircases would have been easy, but our prescholar wanted a bigger challenge. He went up a chain ladder that was mostly horizontal!

Going up!

One of the slides had rollers for the main track, making descent both more bumpy and faster than usual.


Going down

They have a nice variant on the covered slide with this hollowed out log beauty. Our youngest took several trips down.

Massive environment-friendly straw?

Coming out

After a few games of "the ground is lava" the kids went back to climbing challenges. They all tried to go up the rollerslide with varying success. Several rope bridges looked like they would be too difficult. Our youngest persevered, impressing mommy and daddy.

A careful crossing

It's a fun park to visit and not too big, so it's easy to keep an eye on multiple kids at one time. After we finished, we walked on to the Mill City Museum, a topic for another blog post.

Thanks be to donors!

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