Monday, September 9, 2024

Book Review: Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 3 by C. Soule et al.

Daredevil: Back in Black Volume 3: Dark Art written by Charles Soule, art by Ron Garney, and color art by Matt Milla

Daredevil and his new sidekick (of sorts) Blindspot face off against a new threat--a killer who has painted a huge mural in human blood. The blood comes from over a hundred different people, one of whom is the missing niece of a city councilwoman. She pulls strings to get lawyer Matt Murdock to shut down the profiteering owner of the building where the blood mural is located. He's selling ten-dollar tickets to a willing public. Daredevil and Blindspot (who has a day job with Matt at the DA's office) have to put in a lot of overtime to work both sides of the case.

The new artist villain is an interesting twist on the usual superhero bad guy. He spouts off a lot about his importance and his works (other items show up besides the blood mural). Some of the images are a bit grim but follow the generally darker tone of Daredevil. This isn't for kids but I liked it.


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