Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Savage Mill Hike 2025

We've been on a bunch of hikes on the trails by Savage Mill (for example, here). The path system follows the Little Patuxent River which provided power for the mill back in the 1800s. The path toward the mill is usually blocked by overgrowth, but we managed to get through in February. The path was a little creepy, especially this uninviting drain pipe. 

This is not a Mario-friendly entrance

The path along the river led us below the back parking lot for the mill. We could see some of the Terrapin Adventures outdoor challenges up the hill.

A sign of slightly safer civilization

Also up the hill, we spotted some deer. Can you find the critter in the photo above? The photo below is a spoiler, sort of...

Great natural camouflage

Ruins of the mill are also visible from the path, though we were not sure what we were looking at. 

Maybe a gate for the mill run?

The river is fairly peaceful here with little signs of human impact.

Houses on the hillside opposite

We found what we thought might be the other end of the pipe from above. We did not investigate too closely.

An exit? An entrance? A wishing well?

We finally made it to the mill ruins on the river, some structures we have never seen close up. They are visible from a trail along the other side of the water and from the Bollman Bridge.

Almost to the end of the trail

A combination of history and teen art

Plenty of machinery is still left inside. Probably it was too heavy to move or not valuable enough to relocate.

Mill equipment


We found a steep and treacherous trail up the side of the ruins to the mill. We came up near the kids challenge course for Terrapin. A group of kids were climbing around and the supervisor said hi to us while cautioning us about staying away since we didn't have helmets. I suppose stuff might have dropped on us? We cleared out quickly without photos. As we walked along, we saw some of the hillside ruins from the other side.

The other side of the gate?

We went into the mill to get a snack and do a little shopping. While it was harrowing to climb up the hillside to the mill, it was a lot faster than backtracking all the way to the parking lot. The hike was fun but we probably won't do it again, definitely not with mom!

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