Here's some more photos that didn't make it into their own post...
My son's Cub Scout pack had a fun pack meeting where they put together care packages from the troops serving abroad. Part of the package is a photo of the boys saying thank you!
I had a side shot of the boys in formation |
At school, the kindergarten class celebrated Thanksgiving by making stone soup. All the kids brought in contributions. We were asked to bring in grapes, which naturally did not go in the soup. In addition to the soup and grapes, they were served popcorn and applesauce they made that morning in class. Adult volunteers came in the morning to cut up the apples and the veggies for the soup. I came with my wife in the afternoon to celebrate.
Our son enjoying his meal |
Proud parents |
We bought a new car, a Toyota Highlander hybrid. We are looking forward to the better gas mileage (and smaller environmental impact) and the fun of having our first Bluetooth-enabled car.
Posing at the dealership with my brother and sister |
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. My daughter made another fabulously-decorated pumpkin pie!
Garden pumpkin pie |
We often play Telephone Pictionary Players sit in a circle and each has a piece of paper and a pencil. First, players write a sentence at the top of the page and pass it to the left. The next player reads the sentence, folds the paper back so the sentence isn't visible, and then draws a picture of the sentence. Then the paper passes left again and the new player looks at the picture. That player folds back the picture and writes a sentence. And so on until the paper goes all the way around. The game yields some hilarious results:
Click to enlarge |
Awesome pics! Thanks for sharing.