Monday, September 5, 2022

Ice Cream Summer Part IX

Part of an on-going series as we make home-made ice cream all summer long!

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer in the United States, so this may be the last of the ice cream posts, but certainly not the end of the ice cream making!

We finally made cookies and cream ice cream. We thought about using Nutter Butters but the store had a big sale on Oreos, so they became the special ingredient in our usual vanilla ice cream. We did not measure the cookies properly, we just filled the mini-food processor two-thirds full and pulverized the cookies.

Oreos about to be made "ice cream friendly"

The process was very standard, just toss in the final ingredient in the last five minutes of mixing a standard vanilla batch. The flavor was very popular in the family even with the grayish color.

Putting the gray in great

Going back to chocolate, we made some chocolate and peanut butter ice cream. We used the usual chocolate ingredients and not the whole jar of peanut butter.

Mixed chocolate brands!

The process was the same old except for, you guessed it, the last five minutes. We did not measure out the peanut butter, unfortunately, we just kept adding knifefuls to the machine, hoping it would mix in with the chocolate. Those peanut butter ice creams with a ripple in the middle look great, but after previous experience not being able to easily spread marshmallow, we thought we'd let the machine do the mixing for us.

A gorgeous batch

The ice cream came out well, though the peanut butter did overwhelm the chocolate flavor. Maybe rippling is the way to go (and also measuring)? We will experiment in the future....

Going back to vanilla, we made Milk Dud ice cream, so hints of chocolate and caramel.

Two great tastes that taste great together!

After measuring out two-thirds of a cup of Milk Duds, I ground up the Duds in the small food processor to make them smaller. I wound up cutting some of the Duds that survived the chopper! Otherwise the process went smoothly. 

Enough for two containers

The flavor was good. Freezing made the caramel solid but crunchy. None of the chunks were big enough to cause problems while eating. The batch went quickly in our house.

We hope you've had a great summer filled with more ice cream than ours was!

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