Monday, October 7, 2024

Book Review: Daredevil: Back in Black Vol. 4 by C. Soule et al.

Daredevil: Back in Black Volume 4: Identity written by Charles Soule and art by Goran Sudzuka, Ron Garney, and Marc Laming

Daredevil goes to confession in New York City, providing the chance to tell the backstory of how his secret identity returned to secrecy. First he tells the priest of his integrated life, that is, people knowing that Matt Murdock is Daredevil. He had some benefits but there were a lot of drawbacks. People assumed his Daredevil antics were done to pad out the Matt Murdock autobiography that was coming out. His Daredevil activities were frowned upon by his fellow lawyers and caused a lot of conflict of interests in court. He managed to find a girl who loved him and they were great together, but the celebrity lifestyle was hard on both of them. The biggest problem was he didn't know exactly who he was anymore. Combining the two separate lives was hard and confusing. He moved to San Francisco and eventually had to fight The Purple Man, who wants to take over the world for his own amusement, this time by making people do what is the worst thing they could possibly do. He gets control of Daredevil and asks him, which causes a lot of reflection on Daredevil's part before he can answer.

Despite having some fundamental misconceptions about the sacrament of Confession, the story presents the backstory in an interesting way while still sorting out current issues. Matt Murdock has plenty of guilt over the injuries his protege Blindspot received at the hands of Muse, a psychotic artist. Here, Matt's given an opportunity to reflect on the situation and come to a better place, setting up a new story arc for the next volume. 

Mildly recommended--I'll keep going but I am getting less interested.

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