This morning for a snack the children had banana muffins while the parents had banana bread. Naturally there was a knife on the table for cutting the bread. Jacob saw it and asked me this question:
"Daddy, can we knife fight?"
My wife gave me a strange look and then asked Jacob if I was training him to be an assassin. Jacob responded with a smile on his face and a glint in his eyes:
"Yes, I am training to be an assassin."
This got a good laugh from me and a nervous laugh from my wife.
Sometimes Jacob and I will have little fights with spoons or forks at the kitchen table, as if we were sword fighting. What sounds better to a boy (little or big) than the clashing of metal on metal? Jacob decided to take it one step further today, clearly overstepping his boundaries.
I fetched some spoons from the drawer so we could have some good fun after our snack. And be ready to kill any ice cream sundaes that come our way.
Cry Room Chronicles LXIX
13 years ago
I approve. Jacob needs to know how to defend himself when the zpocalypse comes.