Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review: Castle Full of Blackbirds by M. Mignola et al.

Castle Full of Blackbirds story by Mike Mignola and Angela Slater, art by Valeria Burzo, colors by Michelle Madsen, and letters by Clem Robins

Young teen Sara May Blackburn does not heed Hellboy's advice and goes to the Linton School for Girls in 1960s New York City. She reconnects there with Miss Brook, who turns out to be a witch in league with a devil. Sara is unaware of what's going on in the background as she is being coached in the art of witchcraft along with her regular lessons. 

This book has the weird, creepy, imaginative atmosphere of other Hellboy stories. While sympathetic, I found Sara's character a little underdeveloped, leaving me less interested in her. The story both resolves itself and sets up the next step for Sara, though her path seems more like it is laid out for her rather than she is willfully choosing it. She's interesting enough that I would read a sequel.

Mildly recommended.

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