Thursday, June 27, 2024

Codorus State Park, Pennsylvania

We camped at Codorus State Park just outside Hanover, Pennsylvania, planning to visit the Gettysburg Battlefield. The park had plenty of amenities that we enjoyed.

We rented an individual camp site for two nights. It included a fire pit with grill, a picnic table, and electricity. We only used the electricity for my cpap machine, an electric griddle, and phone charging. The spot was big enough for our two tents with plenty of area for other activities.

Our camp site

Happily, the bathrooms were very close by and were actual bathrooms, not latrines or other minimalist offerings sometimes available. A large field was not too far away either. We played a lot of catch there.

Tossing a football

Receiving a football

The field had a playground, a large fire pit with benches, and a small outdoor theater.


The first night, we had a small campfire and made smores before going to bed. 

Starting a fire

Enjoying the night

The next morning, I woke up first and did some reading out by the picnic table while others snoozed.

Sacked out

They slept long enough that I went for a walk and found a few geocaches hidden in the park. They are approved by the park and have very nice housing. No ground tupperware here!

Rabbits on the way to the geocache

Yes, it's meant to resemble an outhouse

The park also has a veterans' memorial area, though no one is buried there.

Pavilion at the Veterans' Memorial

Another geocache featured Kermit the Frog inside. I needed his hopping ability to make it there and back.

Inside another geocache

Obstacle on the path

The park has pavilions for rent. 

Rental pavilion 

Cooking facility inside

By the time I got back to our site, breakfast was underway. We had a guest try to join us but we politely refused.


Someone trying to crash the party

Checking the fire pit for crumbs

Making cakes

We went to the Gettysburg Battlefield after breakfast, eventually returning for some nap time before our next adventure. I was not tired enough so I found another cache.

A sticky situation

We rented a canoe and a two-person kayak since that was all that was available. Too early in the season, I guess.

First kayakers

First canoers

The campground is on Lake Marburg. The area is very pretty. It is also open enough that wind has a minor effect on our progress. We rowed under a bridge and to some beaches.

Enjoying the lake

Exploring a side water

Trees were all to see

We stopped at one shore and switched around the boats' personnel. 

It's tough paddling uphill!

A moment of good synchronization

Yet another switch

Canoers behind me

At one point, we saw a tree hanging over the water and decided to go through the natural archway.

Aiming for a small hole

We went back to our campground to make a roasted-potato dinner. We had plenty of fixings--cheese, scallions, butter, bacon bits, etc. We were forced to have plenty of patience as the cooking time was not very precise.

Getting the fire started

A good blaze

Roasting potatoes in foil

A great finished product

The next morning we had simple breakfast of oatmeal, apples, tea, and juice. Packing up the campground went quickly and we were soon home. The overall experience was a bit rough on the parents but the kids had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting camping experience! So nice to see the whole family enjoying it. Claudette
