We heard about a free Scottish folk dancing class being held fortnightly [editor's note: that's every two weeks for you American readers] and we decided to check it out this week.
I had emailed the instructor about a month ago but she had gone on holiday and wasn't able to reply till last week (I found out her email got messed up while she was gone, adding to the delay in getting back to me). I asked if it was okay to bring the children and she said yes. The only requirement for the class is that we want to have fun. Even zombies just want to have fun (brains are fun, right?), so we fit in nicely.
The main problem we had was finding our way into the gym where the class was. We parked on the wrong side of the building and were a little bit late. When we walked in, the only people there were the instructor and her dance partner! She greeted us warmly and introduced her partner. We introduced ourselves. She explained that they've had a big drop off over the summer and had been expecting a few other couples to show tonight. The cold and rainy day probably discouraged them. They were glad we made it.
We had a good time. Jacob and Lucy sat on some chairs and watched for a while. After Mommy and Daddy learned the first dance, Jacob took his turn learning from the instructor. He was able to follow her instructions pretty well though his footwork needs more polishing. He was very happy to join in (and very lucky that we didn't have a camera with us). Lucy skipped her afternoon nap and was unenthusiastic about dancing with instructors, Mommy, Daddy, Jacob, or anybody. We eventually pulled out the portable DVD player and let them watch Dora the Explorer while we learned a second and third dance.
The first dance was slow and relatively simple. The name of the footwork escapes me (as did the names of the other dances, sorry!!), though the song was St. Bernard's Waltz. Maybe the footwork is named after the song, I'll have to ask next time. Check out how it goes:
The second dance was more complicated and faster. We stopped for some water between that and the finale. Jacob and Lucy gave us puzzled looks as we both were about to leave them in the gym room by themselves with the instructors. I stayed behind to keep them from freaking out (Lucy was on little sleep, did I mention?). When they found out where we were going, they also wanted to drink from the water fountain. For a further distraction, Angie borrowed a volley ball from the gym's front desk. They played with that while we learned dance number three.
The partner had to leave early to get to his favorite fish and chips shop before it closed, so we chatted with the instructor for the last ten minutes or so. Getting to know her was nice and we look forward to the next class. Jacob said thank you to her, which thrilled us even more than her. He really did have a good time.
The ultimate proof that he liked it came later. During our bedtime routine, we say the Our Father and then thank God for something, usually something that happened that day. I let Jacob go first and he said, "Thank you God for a good life and...for dancing." It made me very happy. Maybe we won't get a babysitter for the next lesson! As long as Lucy gets some sleep.
Cry Room Chronicles LXIX
13 years ago
Does anyone else hear "one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game" in the music in the video?