...by those wonderful people at A Good Story is Hard to Find. I haven't listened yet but I will very, very soon. They always give insightful and interesting commentaries. I just listened to them discuss Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None, where they discussed a lot about the psychology of the characters and it led into a fascinating discussion of the death penalty from a Catholic viewpoint. I'm glad to see they are getting back to zombies.
Next up for them is a discussion of Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. Alas, I didn't bring my copy from Maryland, but the local library has it. I'd love to reread it before the next podcast. The moment that stuck with me the most is this scene: The young protagonist discovers the carny people going backwards on the merry-go-round to some strange sounding music and they are becoming younger and younger. Somehow he recognizes that the music is a death march being played backwards. It's spooky and evocative and poetic and logical and nonsensical all at once. Even thinking about it now gives me chills.
Cry Room Chronicles LXIX
13 years ago
Thank you for the shout out! I'm not sure how insightful the Shaun of the Dead talk was because the movie is not that deep, but we still had fun watching and then talking. And I'm really grooving on rereading the book after way too long away from it. Bradbury's lanugage ... so wonderful!