This year has seen some new things for us when celebrating November 11, known as Armistice Day, Veterans' Day, and Remembrance Day. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the peace treaty was signed ending World War I. The day is remembered world wide in many different ways.

My wife has the day off work on Monday, since we Americans can't be deprived of a holiday if it falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, as this 2012 Veterans' Day does. The children are still in school since the British system doesn't have it as a bank holiday.
In the United Kingdom, the day is more focused on World War I. A minute of silence is held at 11:00 a.m. Many people wear poppies on their clothes as a reminder of the sacrifice made. Jacob even made a poppy at school, where they were also selling poppies to the parents.
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Jacob's poppy is on top; the purchased one on the bottom |
Poppies are used because of their prominence in the poem "In Flanders Field" by John McCrae. He wrote it in 1915 after the death of a friend in the Second Battle of Ypres. Read more about the origin of the poem here. Here is the text of the poem.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Mise à jour : 18.10.2012
Pegasus Bridge - YouTube
Françoise Gondrée fondatrice du Musée de Pegasus Bridge.
Pegasus Bridge - YouTube
Françoise Gondrée fondatrice du Musée de Pegasus Bridge.
The Musée de Pegasus Bridge thanks you for your interest whose notoriety is due to the actors of the 6th of June 1944 who created it with Françoise Gondrée as special recognizion in 1969,with the High Patronage, a team of volunteers during many years and who are still in activity.
If the donees had wanted to give their collections to the Comité du Débarquement, they would have done it. But they had their reason!
They must rest in Peace and by respect for them, in the wait of the Penal proceedings in law against the Admiral
Brac de la Perrière, President of that comité,
One must report now publicly the scandal !
Our Musée de Pegasus Bridge whose registration is at the Museum at Ranville (14), called 'Memorial' by the admiral Brac de la Perriere to mislead the public and the History. It is the same Museum that the Admiral Brac de la Perriere has stolen from us with all the items, occupies with the complicity of the local institutions since 10 years !
One must report now publicly the scandal !
If our Musée de Pegasus Bridge has all his legitimacy and certificates,the Admiral Brac de la Perriere can only use
dirty tricks, impostures (independent,berridge)...others.. and makes a cheap fair of our Museum .
Our battle for over 10 years goes although ahead. The Museum of Pegasus Bridge will not give up to the denials of Justice of Caen, outrage to the victims to please the merchants of militaro-politico-touristico complexes without any History nor any memory.
Democracy must be respected and the Musée de Pegasus Bridge given back!.
Rejoin the list of supporters by :
-link to your website
-signing the petition
-publishing this information everywhere
Many thanks in advance
Françoise Gondrée, founder, Presidente
Pierre de Roquefeuil, Vice President
Board of Directors (to see absolutely)
Bienvenue chez Cratès (
Blogs et sites sont placés à tour de rôle….etc….etc……
mise à jour 18.10.2012
Mise à jour : 18.10.2012
Pegasus Bridge - YouTube
Françoise Gondrée fondatrice du Musée de Pegasus Bridge.
Pegasus Bridge - YouTube
Françoise Gondrée fondatrice du Musée de Pegasus Bridge.
The Musée de Pegasus Bridge thanks you for your interest whose notoriety is due to the actors of the 6th of June 1944 who created it with Françoise Gondrée as special recognizion in 1969,with the High Patronage, a team of volunteers during many years and who are still in activity.
If the donees had wanted to give their collections to the Comité du Débarquement, they would have done it. But they had their reason!
They must rest in Peace and by respect for them, in the wait of the Penal proceedings in law against the Admiral
Brac de la Perrière, President of that comité,
One must report now publicly the scandal !
Our Musée de Pegasus Bridge whose registration is at the Museum at Ranville (14), called 'Memorial' by the admiral Brac de la Perriere to mislead the public and the History. It is the same Museum that the Admiral Brac de la Perriere has stolen from us with all the items, occupies with the complicity of the local institutions since 10 years !
One must report now publicly the scandal !
If our Musée de Pegasus Bridge has all his legitimacy and certificates,the Admiral Brac de la Perriere can only use
dirty tricks, impostures (independent,berridge)...others.. and makes a cheap fair of our Museum .
Our battle for over 10 years goes although ahead. The Museum of Pegasus Bridge will not give up to the denials of Justice of Caen, outrage to the victims to please the merchants of militaro-politico-touristico complexes without any History nor memory.
Democracy must be respected and the Musée de Pegasus Bridge given back!.
Rejoin the list of supporters by :
-link to your website
-signing the petition
-publishing this information everywhere
Many thanks in advance
Françoise Gondrée, founder, Presidente
Pierre de Roquefeuil, Vice President
Board of Directors (to see absolutely)
Bienvenue chez Cratès (
Blogs et sites sont placés à tour de rôle….etc….etc……
mise à jour 18.10.2012